26 January 2012

To dance with my father again

Abdullah bin Umar r.a. berkata: “Seorang datang kepada Nabi Muhammad s.a.w dan berkata: “Saya ingin berjihad (perang fisabilillah).” Nabi Muhammad s.a.w. bertanya: “Apakah kedua ibu bapamu masih hidup?” Jawabnya: “Ya, kedua-duanya.” Sabda Rasulullah s.a.w.: “Didalam melayani keduanya harus berjihad.”

my brother is feeding my father at our garden ;)

p/s: I am in the mood of missing my parents,but today is more to my father who is sick right now...miss the old him very much,n am sure the same goes to my mother n my siblings..we really miss the old him.but we can't turn back time right?all we can do now is to pray for him n to give our best to take care n look after him....Allah bless ;)

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