24 February 2012

Liqa' Special ^_^ part 3

-ramai org bagi alasan nk study dlu,tunggu stable dulu baru buat dakwah...nk tungguk kerja stable dlu baru buat dakwah...why to wait?studying is part of dakwah! working is part of dakwah!they r part of Islam too,why separate it?(GOOD POINT!!!)
-do anything in yourlife as part of Islam n dakwah,do not make it as an excuse! (zassss)

-lpastu ade budak tnye,cmne dgn pelajar2(pelajar agama especially)yg kata nk dalami n mantapkan ilmu baru gi dakwah org..ustaz hasanudiin xnak ulas panjang,dia hanya bagi kisah Nabi Muhammad lepas dpt arahan Allah 'sampaikan salam' terus je Baginda pergi pasar2 bagi salam kt setiap org yg dia jumpa.xtunggu tunggu next hadis n next hadis n next lg baru dia nk sampaikan..(as simple as that!)

-"carilah sahabat2 yg mampu menarik kita balik bila kecundang or futur or terjatuh...n jadilah sahabat seperti itu juga!"-Dr Al-Amin
-"the essence of usrah sebenarnye adelah kasih sayang sesama kita,not the curricular,not the silibus"-Prof Latiff
-"the 1st thing is to survive housemanship!!"-Prof Latiff on what to do next after graduation?should we plan to make another Islamic hosp?organize another medic event or what?
-"merancang tu Allah sgt suka..tp yg Allah yg akan tentukan jadi or tak plan tu..but we have to really work hard for the plan...and remember,make Islam infront of each of your plan.."-Dr Fatimah

the end

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